دور الجامعة في تحقيق أبعاد المواطنة الرقمية لدى طلابها في ضوء التحديات المعاصرة (دراسة تحليلية)

محمد فكري فتحي صادق

The research aims to analyze the reality of the role played by the university in achieving the dimensions of digital citizenship among its students in the light of contemporary challenges, and to identify the concept of digital citizenship and its dimensions, and to uncover the contemporary challenges facing its achievement, in addition to develop a proposed concept for this role, the research adopted descriptive analytical method. The study concluded that the concept of digital citizenship and its dimensions, are circulated in educational institutions in general and university specifically to highlight its importance as an entry that emphasizes the commitment of students to their duties and responsibilities during the digital transactions, as it works to prepare digital citizen qualified to carry out the sustainable development movement within the community, The dimensions of digital citizenship are promoted as a national priority, by training them on the optimal use of digital technology in the educational process, to meet contemporary global challenges related to the political, socio-economic and cultural aspects, etc. T limit the spread despite the availability of technological infrastructure, and the cadres of a human is able to set up a digital citizen, in addition to political support by the state to achieve digital citizenship and dimensions.
